The Unbuilt Room goes online…

At the moment, it is very difficult to be in the same place… but that doesn’t mean we can’t be together.

We can still explore. We can still discover. And we can still do it together.

The Unbuilt Room is now being performed online! These shows work just like The Unbuilt Room always has… with the notable exception that, rather than being together in a building of bricks and mortar, we’ll be together via the internet.

The Unbuilt Room is a performance-game, an interactive story where the audience works together to navigate an imagined world by giving instructions (like “go North” or “pick up the key”) to a performer. More information can be found here

Past online shows:

May, 2020 - I revisited Hastings Museum and Art Gallery (which I first explored in 2012!) for four performances:

  • 19:00 & 20:30, Thurs 14th May.

  • 19:00 & 20:30, Tues 19th May.

April, 2021 - via The Arts Institute (Plymouth):

  • 19:00 Wed 21st April.

  • 19:00 Thurs 22nd April.


How it works:

The shows take place over Zoom. All participants are sent a link to the show when their ticket is confirmed.

Up to two people can participate on the same Zoom login per ticket.

Audiences are asked to find a quiet place with minimal background noise where they won’t be interrupted.

As always, The Unbuilt Room is an interactive experience… all participants are occasionally asked to speak. Each show has a very small audience who work together.

With many of us are stuck staring at the same four walls, exploration and imagination are more important than ever.

So let’s open some doors and see what’s on the other side.

Let’s do it together.